Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pragmatic Grails Book in the Works!

I've always been impressed with the Pragmatic Programmers: as software artisans, as writers and as publishers. From a developer's perspective, you just can't beat the Pragmatic Programmers books. Not only do you have books written by developers for developers, you have books published by developers for developers, and often you have books edited by developers for developers.

When it comes to Groovy books, again, the Pragmatic Programmers shine. There are several good Groovy books out there. (Who can ever forget GinA?) But if I had to be stranded on a desert island with only one Groovy book (sounds kind of fun actually... can I bring my family?), it would have to be either Programming Groovy or Groovy Recipes, both Pragmatic titles.

All that to say that I am thrilled to announce that the Pragmatic Programmers will be coming out with their first Grails book! I don't know what it will be called or when it will ship, but it will be a "quick start guide," aimed at meeting the needs of all those new converts you are all out there making, as well as the untold millions of Spring users who are only a single Graeme Rocher demo away from becoming Grails users.

Another really cool thing for me about this new book is that I get to write it! I am almost as excited by this opportunity as I am overwhelmed by the responsibility. It is a big challenge, but I will do my best, and with God's help we'll soon have a book that can help rescue all those poor developers who are still suffering with Struts and JSF.

Another side benefit: with this task along with GroovyMag, I think I finally have a good excuse for my infrequent blog entries. :-)

I want to give a big Thank You to the folks at the Pragmatic Programmers for putting their trust in me and for their support behind the Groovy and Grails community.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading it and want to be the first to bug you about the publishing date. How soon will it be finished?

Dave Klein said...

Thanks Ed. Maybe Santa will bring you one for Christmas. As for the when, it's too early to tell. As soon as we have a working schedule, I'll let you know.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Dave!!

Dmitriy Kopylenko said...

Congrats, Dave!

Let me know if you need a technical reviewer. I'd do it in the heart beat :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dave! I love all the grails books that are coming out these days and books from the prags always stand out from the crowd.

Michael Kimsal said...

Even more stuff to look forward to now. Great news Dave!

The Prag books are good, but I've been impressed with the level of quality from Apress over the last year as well. I'm digging through the new DGG and Bashar's "Groovy/Grails recipes" these days. And Apress just did Judd's Grails book months before.

They're all great, and all serve somewhat different audiences. I thought there'd be more overlap than there actually is which impresses me all the more.

Can't wait to get yours!

rhyolight said...

Congratulations, Dave! Now get to work!! ;)

Dave Klein said...

Thanks Andy, Dmitriy, Ted, Michael and Matt. I'll come back and read your kind words when things get tough. Right now, I'm still having fun! @Dimitry: you're on my list. @Michael: I agree. Apress and Manning both have some great books and have done a great deal for the G2 Community (I guess that should be G3), but as Ted said, the Prag books just stand out from the crowd. @Matt: I'm typing as fast as I can! :-)

Unknown said...

Will you be covering the upcoming Grails 1.1??

Jim Shingler said...

COngrats Dave!!! I look forward to reading it.

iamsteveholmes said...

Congratulations Dave! I'm hoping you're covering Grails 2.0.